After collecting Rs. 2 crores on Friday, Emergency grew a bit on Saturday to bring in Rs. 3 crores. Even though in terms of collections the growth may seem around less, in terms of fair value this is far bigger since the ticket prices came back to normal after Cinema Lovers Day on Friday. Typically, collections do come down in such scenarios but here they have actually gone up and that’s a welcome sign.
The film needs to keep this momentum going since it certainly deserves at least reasonably good theatrical business as well for its overall economics to work out. Moreover, and very importantly even as an actress, Kangana Ranaut needs this film to work for her. Over the last few years, she has seen quite a few releases in succession which unfortunately didn’t do well at the box office. Now as a director, she has actually done well with Emergency and with good reports coming the film’s way, this is a golden opportunity for a potential theatrical success as well if it further grows over Rs. 5 crores total so far.
Meanwhile, Azaad couldn’t do much on Saturday as collections just reached Rs. 1.20 crores. The film had brought in 1.40 crores on Friday. With Rs. 2.60 crores in its kitty so far, this debut launchpad of Aaman Devgn and Rasha Thadani will aim to cross Rs. 5 crores mark over the weekend, though that’s about it.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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