After scoring an ultra-huge extended first week that saw a staggering Rs. 433.50 crores coming in, Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) had an astonishing second week as well that missed Rs. 200 crores mark by just one crore. As much as Rs. 199 crores came in the week gone by which is a huge record by a distance.
Now, the third week has started with a bang as well, what with yet another double digit day being scored. Rs. 12.50 crores more were accumulated on Friday and that’s not too far away from Thursday which had seen Rs. 14 crores been registered at the box office. Anything over Rs. 10 crores would have been superb for the film at the start of the third week and here the numbers are a bit higher than that. Moreover, today there would be a huge jump seen in collections and Rs. 20 crores mark will certainly be crossed, which would be just amazing. Then tomorrow the film will be aiming at Rs. 25 crores and rest assured, there are record numbers on the way for the Allu Arjun starrer.
There is no competition for the film in the Hindi circuits and this is where the film is anyways doing maximum business. There have been a few south movies that have arrived, which are doing quite well regionally. Still, at an all-India level, it’s Pushpa 2 (Hindi) that would be ruling the charts all over. With Rs. 645 crores in its kitty so far, the film will come close to Rs. 700 crores before it steps into the weekdays.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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