After collecting Rs. 9 crores on Thursday and ensuring that the third week collections went past the Rs. 100 crores mark, Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) kickstarted its campaign for the fourth week on a high as well. The film collected Rs. 8 crores* more and that’s simply superb since there have been only a handful of films that have managed to score this much on their first Friday in 2024. The fact that the Sukumar directed film is doing that on its fourth Friday is a testimony to the tight grasp that it has now managed amongst audiences.
What’s all the more impressive is that the film is doing that when there is a new release Baby John in the running, as well as Hollywood’s Mufasa: The Lion King which has found an audience for itself. Still, there has been no stopping the film as it’s playing at a very good count of screens and shows, and is also the highest collecting film amongst all and that too by a distance.
The film has now also reached Rs. 748.25 crores* and as you read this, it has already crossed Rs. 750 crores mark. Today, the Allu Arjun starrer will jump huge and while Rs. 12-13 crores is certainly on the cards, it also has a chance to get into that Rs. 15-16 crores range. Tomorrow it would do that for sure, which means the film is all set to cross Rs. 775 crores by the time the weekend is through.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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