The party continues for Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) as Wednesday too came up with outstanding collections. The film had another day of Rs. 30 crores+ as Rs. 31.50 crores came in. This isn’t much of a drop from Tuesday collections of Rs. 36 crores and today too, the film will collect over Rs. 25 crores, which will be simply superb.
In the process, the Allu Arjun starrer has now entered the Rs. 400 Crore Club. It’s only the second film of the year to do that after Stree 2 and to think of it, it has been in theatres for only one week. This also makes it the fastest film ever to cross Rs. 400 crores mark and in 11 days flat, it will score another huge record of an entry into the Rs. 500 Crore Club, which too would be the fastest ever.
The Sukumar directed film stands at Rs. 406.50 crores and will hit Rs. 430 crores by tonight, hence bringing the extended first week to a close. Post that to bring in Rs. 70 crores more in the second weekend would be a cakewalk and one can’t put a number on how much further than Rs. 500 crores will it go once the weekdays kickstart. There is a huge momentum that’s on side of the film and its journey towards the Rs. 600 Crore Club would be at a very high pace before it settles down.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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