It’s two weeks since the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule (Hindi) and its pace stays on to be relentless as ever. Even on its 14th day, the film brought in Rs. 17 crores more and there are hardly any releases in 2024 that brought this much on their first day. In fact, leave aside the first day, this much didn’t come across the entire first weekend for most of the films and here this dubbed release is getting as much when there is a day still left in the second week.
The film had collected Rs. 19.50 crores on Tuesday so yet again, the drop is negligible. Also, this confirms that the second week will end on a high with at least Rs. 15 crores set to come in today. Tomorrow will be the start of a new week, and it would be interesting to see if the Allu Arjun starrer stays at the same levels as today or collects Rs. 1 crore more or lesser than that. Rest assured, there would be fireworks on Saturday and at least Rs. 25 crores will come in again.
So far, this Sukumar directed film has netted Rs. 618.50 crores already and two-week collections would be around Rs. 635 crores. There is a good possibility that with some real good push, the film will enter Rs. 700 Crore Club by the close of third weekend itself and that would indeed be one terrific feat.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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