The Disney Live Action film, Mufasa: The Lion King has taken a good start in India, as the film has collected in the range of Rs. 9 to 9.50 crores on the first day. The film has done the best business in Telugu version, where the business got benefit due to the dubbing done by Mahesh Babu. The second best-performing version is Hindi, due to the Shah Rukh Khan factor followed by English.
Being a kids friendly film, the collections will see a spike on Saturday and Sunday, and the Hollywood film is looking to pack a solid punch with business around the Rs. 35 crore mark. It's the holiday period and with the support of family audience, Mufasa is expected to record a strong trend in through the new year period and enter the Rs. 100 crore club at the box office.
The film has faced competition from Pushpa 2 on the first day, as the Allu Arjun starrer has also collected around the Rs. 12 crore mark on Day 16, and there will be even more drop in showcasing on December 25, owing to the release of Baby John.
Yet, there is enough for Mufasa to hit the bull's eye at the box office in India.
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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