The highly anticipated sequel, Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun has taken the box office by storm. After releasing on December 5, the film, which saw unprecedented advance bookings across the country, created a storm at the box office. Now, after two weeks at the box office, Pushpa 2 has continued to hold strong with audience thronging theatres. Interestingly, after 18 days at the box office, Pushpa 2 has created a record of sorts with an unbroken streak of 18 consecutive days of double-digit collections. Directed by Sukumar, this blockbuster has cemented its place in the annals of Indian cinema with its exceptional performance, resonating across demographics and territories.
The journey of Pushpa 2 has been nothing short of phenomenal. From the word go, the film struck a chord with audiences, delivering jaw-dropping numbers. The lowest single-day collection for the film was on Day 16, bringing in Rs. 12.50 crore, a figure that many films would envy as their peak. On the other hand, the highest single-day collection was recorded on the first Saturday, with an astounding Rs. 74 crore pouring in, underscoring the film's unparalleled appeal.
The film's ability to maintain double-digit figures for 18 consecutive days speaks volumes about its widespread acceptance. Pushpa 2 has performed exceptionally well in both the domestic and international markets. In southern states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu, the film witnessed packed theatres even on weekdays. Meanwhile, in the Hindi belt, Pushpa 2 continued to attract large crowds, further consolidating Allu Arjun's pan-India stardom.
The remarkable streak of double-digit earnings has added to Pushpa 2’s growing list of achievements. Its first-weekend collection alone shattered multiple records, and the subsequent weekdays have seen steady and robust numbers. The 18-day collection trend reflects not only the film's quality but also the brand loyalty Allu Arjun has cultivated since the first instalment.
With no signs of slowing down, Pushpa 2 is poised to cross more milestones in the coming weeks. The consistent double-digit earnings, even beyond the typical two-week window, suggest a long and lucrative box office run. All eyes are now on whether the film will surpass lifetime earnings of other Indian blockbusters and etch its name among the highest-grossing films of all time.
As Pushpa 2 continues its dominance, it’s evident that the era of Pushpa Raj is far from over. Fans can only wait in anticipation as the numbers roll in, solidifying the film’s legacy as a cinematic phenomenon.
Top Bollywood movies with consecutive days of double-digit collections Pushpa 2 - The Rule – 18 days Baahubali 2 - The Conclusion – 17 days Stree 2 – 14 days Jawan – 13 days Gadar 2 – 13 days Animal - 12 days Pathaan – 12 days K.G.F - Chapter 2 – 11 days PK – 11 days Tiger Zinda Hai – 11 days Sanju – 10 days Bajrangi Bhaijaan - 10 days
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